CVE-2020-8088 – UseBB Forum 1.0.12 – PHP Type Juggling vulnerability


Last week I was reading about PHP Type Juggling vulnerabilities and I decided to spend a couple of days learning about them.

These vulnerabilities can happen during comparison of PHP variables, because PHP will automatically convert the data into a common comparable type.

My idea was to try to find one by my own. But first I needed to look for some PHP open source code to review.

I thought that I could find one in old open source forums. My idea was to try to understand the authentication and the password recovery implementations.

After installing a couple of different open source forums I’ve found UseBB software that seemed to have an interesting implementation of the login.

Installing the software and creating and admin user

So I installed the software, to do that I created a database and followed the installation steps.

I created an admin user with the following credentials:


Checking the login implementation

Doing a quick code check, I’ve found that the login was implemented in the file: “/sources/panel_login.php”

UseBB Forum Login implementation

Identifying a vulnerability

The application does different checks to verify if the password supplied by the user is correct. The most important line for checking the Type Juggling vulnerability is the following:

if ( !$userdata[‘id’] || md5(stripslashes($_POST[‘passwd’])) != $userdata[‘passwd’] ) {

Notice that it’s using only one equal sign, that is a loose comparison, and they should have used an strict one.

In this link you can read the following:

For more than the last decade, PHP programmers have been wrestling with the equals-equals (==) operator. It’s caused a lot of issues. This has a particular implication for password hashes. Password hashes in PHP are base16 encoded and can come in the form of “0e812389…”. The problem is in == comparison the 0e means that if the following characters are all digits the whole string gets treated as a float.

What they are talking about, is that when there is a loose comparison, you can do strange things, like this:

socket@lab:~$ php -r "print md5('aabC9RqS');";echo ''
socket@lab:~$ php -r "print md5('aabg7XSs');";echo ''
socket@lab:~$ php -r "var_dump(md5('aabC9RqS') == md5('aabg7XSs'));"

As you can see the hashes are different but when we compare them with a loose comparison the result is true.

Login with the same user using a different password

Before doing anything, let’s check the current status of our database. Specifically the table usebb_members that stores usernames and hashed passwords.

I see the following hash stored as the password:

UseBB Forum admin password hash

If we remember the login verification, this hash is the value for the variable: $userdata[‘passwd’]

Doing a quick verification we can see that this hash, is the md5 value of the password that we used when we registered the user:

socket@lab:~$ php -r "print md5('aabC9RqS');";echo ''

We know that the password for the user admin is: “aabC9RqS” but let’s try to use “aabg7XSs” instead.

We try to login using this password:

The server is evaluating this:

md5('aabC9RqS') == md5('aabg7XSs')
0e041022518165728065344349536299 == 0e087386482136013740957780965295

And as we saw before…

php -r "var_dump(md5('aabC9RqS') == md5('aabg7XSs'));"

So, we are in 🙂

Vulnerability solution:

We need to add an extra equal in the line 72 of sources/panel_login.php

if ( !$userdata[‘id’] || md5(stripslashes($_POST[‘passwd’])) !== $userdata[‘passwd’] ) {

This software seems to doesn’t have support. But if you are using it, I recommend you to migrate it to Drupal using this plugin:

Interesting resources:

If you are interested reading more about this topic I recommend you some resources:

Thank you for reading the blog! See you soon 🙂

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